Apart from being a mum and author, I am also a teacher. I suppose that the teacher within me is what motivated me to publish my own books in the first place! I am a teacher at heart, always looking for opportunities to teach my little cherubs something new.
I love my job! Well, most of the time. I love teaching and I love watching children learn. I love watching their faces light up when they are doing something they enjoy or learning about something they find interesting. I love the ‘aha!’ moments that they have when they finally understand something. I love the self-satisfaction they display when they achieve something they are proud of.
I teach at a language school, and every week I take a trolley full of Greek books into the classroom. Students are given time to do silent reading, or to read to each other in small groups, and during these times they can choose any books they like from what’s available. More often than not, they choose to read the books that I published! They rarely choose Dora the Explorer, Little Red Riding Hood, Miffy or Bob the Builder books. They LOVE reading MY books over and over again. This always puts a smile on my face and brightens up my day.
Why, you may ask, do they read my books instead of the ‘fashionable’ books that I thought would be all the rage? Well, it’s simply because they can’t understand a word from those books. They are far too complicated for children who are just beginning to learn a second language. They are more suited to children whose first language is Greek.
The best part of publishing my books, is watching other children reading them and enjoying them. So although the sample size of my study is small and the evidence is anecdotal, I’m convinced enough to claim that the kids I teach voted my books the ‘books of choice’!
To all my students, I’d like to say a big THANK YOU for making my efforts worthwhile